Veille en vrac – mars 2024

Ceci est un billet de travail pour archiver des études, travaux, actualités repérées ces dernières semaines :


Le prix Pritzker 2024 est attribué à Riken Yamamoto

Article dans AD Magazine (via la newsletter de Léonard)

Sur les trottoirs de Coppenhague


“Institutionnalisons la sobriété hydrique en France !”

Lien vers la note : ici.

Post linkedin associé : ici.


Etudes sur l’eau de l’Institut Paris Région : ici

L’eau ne tombe plus du ciel” : article dans Métropolitiques (remis en ligne mais date de 2018) : “L’exposition photographique L’Eau ne tombe plus du ciel. Techniques de pompage, pratiques sociales et nouveaux rapports à l’eau, pilotée par l’association Rés‑EAUx, a été montée pour la première fois en avril 2017 à l’université Paris-Nanterre. À travers ces clichés, l’exposition rend visible des objets pris dans des dynamiques sociotechniques cruciales dans l’organisation des territoires partout dans le monde”.

Transfert de la compétence eau et assainissement aux intercommunalités :


Extraits de la newsletter du Victoria Transport Policy Institute – “Efficiency – Equity – Clarity” – Winter 2024 Vol. 24, No. 1

Cool Walkability Planning: Providing Pedestrian Thermal Comfort in Hot Climate Cities, by Todd Litman, published in the Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Global warming and urbanization are increasing the number of people living in cities that experience extreme heat. This makes walking uncomfortable, unattractive and unhealthy, and causes travelers to drive for trips that could be made on foot. To address these problems hot-climate cities can create networks of shadeways (shaded sidewalks) and pedways (enclosed, climate-controlled walkways). This article introduces the Cool Walkshed Index (CWI) which rates pedestrian thermal protection from A (best) to F (worst). Currently, most urban neighborhoods have CWI E (incomplete sidewalk networks) or D (complete sidewalk networks). Moderate-heat cities should aspire to CWI C (shaded sidewalks on busy routes); high-heat cities, with temperatures that frequently exceed 38 °C (100 °F) should aspire to CWI B (most buildings located within 300 m of enclosed, climate-controlled pedways); and extreme-heat cities, with temperatures that frequently exceed 43 °C (110° F) should aspire to CWI A (most buildings are located less than 100 m of enclosed, climate-controlled pedways). Analysis in this study indicates that the additional costs of these facilities can be repaid many times over through road, parking, and vehicle savings, and increased local property values. (This article summarizes the detailed report, Cool Walkability Planning.)

Why I Welcome New York City’s Congestion Pricing Plan,” by Peter Coy, New York Times.
“A city’s streets, parking spaces and sidewalks are the municipal government’s most important assets, and it makes perfect sense to charge for them, both to make sure that they are used by the people who value them most highly and to raise money to cover the cost of their construction and upkeep, Todd Litman, the executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, a consulting firm in Victoria, British Columbia, told me…“‘Motorists all want free roads and free parking,’ Litman said. ‘But they’re never really free. The choice is between paying for them directly and paying for them indirectly. Paying for them directly is the best way to reduce congestion. If you oppose that, you’re saying you support congestion and parking problems.’”

Parking Requirement Impacts on Housing Affordability, workshop with Todd Litman, Patrick Siegman and Tony Jordan at the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU32), May 15-18, Cincinnati.
Parking minimums increase parking supply beyond what property owners would voluntarily provide. This increases housing development costs, particularly in urban areas with high land prices, and increases vehicle travel and sprawl, which exacerbate traffic and environmental problems. This workshop explores these issues. It examines the total costs of parking minimums, discusses alternative ways to serving parking demands, and describes methods and tools that developers and practitioners can use to better optimize and manage parking in a particular location.

Breaking the Code: Off-Street Parking Reform Lessons Learned, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. This report documents the stories of six cities and one country — Atlanta, USA; Beijing, China; Mexico City, Mexico; Minneapolis, USA; San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico; São Paulo, Brazil; and the country of New Zealand — in their journey to reform off-street parking, with particular emphasis on removing parking minimums and adopting complementary reforms that reduce dependence on driving. Also see the Parking Reform Network News.


Could Chicago’s Real Estate Tax Set a Precedent for Struggling Downtowns?

“As cities grapple with vacant offices and declining property values, they are seeking ways to prevent further erosion of their property tax revenue. Chicago has proposed a controversial solution: increase property taxes. However, this contested tax proposal, which is currently being voted on, faces opposition from real estate industry groups who claim the language on the ballot is misleading. In today’s email coverage, we examine the ongoing legal battle surrounding this property tax vote and assess the likelihood of similar measures being adopted in other cities across the nation”.

Extrait de la newsletter de Propmodo daily.


Seulement 7 des 1000 plus hautes tours se trouvent en Europe

“La puissance d’une nation se démontre-t-elle par la hauteur de ses tours ? Manhattan, Shanghai ou encore Dubaï comptent les plus hauts gratte-ciels. En Europe, ces derniers se font plus rares. La Pologne fait figure d’exception”. (The Economist)

(Via la newsletter d’Evidence)


Rapport de la Fondation Abbé Pierre sur logement et ZAN :